
Human Resources Services

  • Career Planning and Development

  • Candidates Outsourcing

  • Job Family Competency Model Development

We are offering Career Planning and Career Development services.

We offer a comprehensive program with a review of your career goals, interests, strengths, and skills to make important personal and career decisions in your life.

It Includes:

  • An introductory meeting to review your personal and career goals

  • An in-depth exploration of your career interests, values and preferences

  • A one-to-one career counselling and developmental planning

  • Resume preparation service

  • Job interview preparation, coaching, and follow-ups


This Service is for YOU if You are:

  • A high school student, post-secondary school student, or recent graduate

  • A professional looking for a career change and in need of career coaching

Candidates Outsourcing: We provide personalized service to find Talent for your organization.


If you need quality employees fast, we can help.

With innovative technology implementation, you need a partner to take care of your staffing needs. We are specializing in IT recruitment, business and HR staffing.

We are offering a Leadership Development to develop a Job Family Competency Model for your organization.


What is Competence?

Competence is the set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable, and improve the efficiency or performance of a job.

The Core Competencies include very general/generic competencies that all employees must possess to enable the organization to achieve its mandate and vision.

Top 10 Key Competencies

  • Teamwork.

  • Responsibility.

  • Commercial Awareness.

  • Decision Making.

  • Communication.

  • Leadership.

  • Trustworthiness & Ethics.

  • Results Orientation.

Job Family competencies are competencies that are common to a group of jobs. They often include General Job competencies that tend to be required in some Job Families (e.g., Partnering) and Job Specific competencies that apply to particular job families more than others (e.g., Project Management).

These tend to be related more to the knowledge or skill required for specific jobs (e.g., Accounting for jobs involving financial administration).