In business, time is money.

“Many people make the mistake of saving money by wasting time.”
― J.R. Rim

Choose a template, customize it, and get up to speed with our task

Change Management Plan Templates Kit

A change management plan helps manage the change process and control the budget, schedule, scope, communication, and project resources. The change management plan will minimize the change impact on the business, employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

The Templates Kit Includes the following PowerPoint slides to download and customize as needed:

  • High-Level Change Management Strategy Levers

  • Input: Key Impacted Stakeholders

  • Input: Change Summary

  • Change Approach

  • High-Level Change Management Activities Timeline

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Sponsorship

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Engagement

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Communications

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Training

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Organizational Alignment

  • Change Management Activities by Change Lever/Enablement

  • High-Level Change Management Plan Review

  • Key Change Management Activities Summary

  • Additional Change Management Considerations

  • Change Management Team Members Roles and Responsibilities

  • High-Level Change Management Plan Template Revision History

Stakeholder Analysis Templates Kit

Stakeholder analysis is a tool to identify stakeholders and analyze their needs to develop and deliver a quality product in the first attempt. It includes collecting qualitative information to determine which should examine stakeholder interest. The stakeholder’s behaviour has a significant impact on project success. Anticipating stakeholder expectations and providing results can win your new projects.

The Templates Kit Includes the following PowerPoint slides to download and customize as needed:

  • High-Level Change Management Strategy Levers

  • Problem/Opportunity Statement

  • Who is a Stakeholder?

  • Stakeholder Types

  • Identify Each of Your Stakeholders into Their Appropriate Types

  • Impact Assessment of Key Stakeholder Groups (2 slides)

  • Complexity Analysis of Key Stakeholder Groups (2 slides)

  • Engagement Approach (2 slides)

  • Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement Plan Template

  • Change Readiness Assessment (2 slides)

  • Stakeholder Map Template

  • Stakeholder Impacts Assessment Template

Why Should You Use our Templates?

Save your time

  • You can easily input all the project-specific information into your template within minutes, creating a finished document that you can send, share, and run with.

  • Professionals in their industry have created all our templates, so you can feel extremely confident that the document you choose will be comprehensive.

  • We are confident our customizable templates are some of the highest quality documents found on the web.

Uniquely customizable

  • By adding your individual touches to your template, you can create a masterful, attractive document unique to your business.

  • You can add photos, links, icons to improve the document and increase your chances of success.

Consistency and clarity

  • By utilizing templates for your business documents, you can maintain document consistency and streamline your business processes, saving you time and stress.

  • Our templates contain language that aids in the clarity of the document. Your business partners and clients will receive all the information they need through your documents in a straightforward, understandable manner. The templates have been proofread and polished to have a clean look, respectful and concise language and tone, impeccable spelling, grammar, and an overall appeal.

Send, share, receive

  • Once you created the document unique to your project, the documents can be sent, received, and signed electronically. It will add an entirely new level of professionalism to the mix and help you get work done faster and more efficiently.

Contact us.
1+ 647-641-6407

PO Box 30002 New Westminster PO

Vaughan On Canada L4J 0B0


Date of Registration: Oct 20, 2020

Registration No: 1174974