
We are:

  • We are educated, certified, and trained professionals with proven experience in project management and human resources within the financial, technology and service industries.

  • We are continually upgrading our skills to serve you better by taking additional courses, participating in conferences and seminars.

  • We are Success Specialists, solving problems - big and small.

  • We are an Advice Alliance. Together, we’re stronger, smarter, and better.

  • We are the Consulting Innovators with one-click solutions for YOU.

Our Mission

  • To help YOU to be hired fast by connecting YOU to the market

  • To help YOU to hire the best Talent quickly by using the best search techniques.

  • To help YOU with your first projects fast by sharing the best practices materials

  • To upgrade YOUR skills fast by providing customized online training

  • To work for YOU with “all heart” and inspire a positive, lasting impact

Our Beliefs

Simplicity over complexity

  • Fresh ideas and bold thinking

  • Being real and transparent

  • Being responsive and available

  • Obsessing about the details

  • Doing the right thing for the long term


Seven Reasons Why You Should Hire Us:

1.Our 20 years of expertise in Human Resources and Project Management

2.Responding immediately to your enquiry

3.Understanding your business needs and identifying problems quickly

4.Providing objectivity and a fresh viewpoint on the situation Saving your money and time by outsourcing your recruitment needs

5.Acting as a catalyst to institute change and produce short-term wins

6.Teaching to stay competitive and bringing a new perspective to shape the future

7.Promoting lifelong learning to test yourself and grow

Our Main Advantages Over the Competitions: 

  • Services fitting your schedule - 24/7 service vs Mon-Fri /9-5

  • Real-life working knowledge materials vs academic standards docs

  • Continuous improvement using the best practices vs out-of-date generic guidelines

  • Unique and creative with fresh ideas vs monotonous repetition

  • Simplicity in everything we do vs complexity and confusion